Del vehículo «bien» al vehículo «servicio»: filosofía normativa

Es probable que con el paso del tiempo la década 2010 – 2020 se analice de un modo especial desde la historia del automóvil. Contarlo ahora resulta un tanto prematuro, pero algunas notas, habida cuenta de la evolución histórica del primer…

Referentes en nuevas estrategias de seguridad vial

El asesor de PONS Seguridad Vial, Ramón Ledesma, participó en la mesa debate organizada por el diario español La Razón para tratar nuevas estrategias en materia de seguridad vial. Ramón estuvo acompañado de personalidades referentes en…

El Ministerio de Transportes de Colombia confía a PONS Seguridad Vial y Applus+ Automotive la mejora de su sistema de revisión vehicular

El Consorcio formado por PONS Seguridad Vial, consultora especializada en Políticas Públicas de movilidad, y Applus+ Automotive, con más de 20 años de experiencia en el campo de la Inspección Técnica Vehicular en Latinoamérica, han finalizado…

Six out of ten

Madrid, May 4, 2016. Do we still want to buy a car? Six out of ten drivers are considering it, and others also consider a hybrid or electric one, but do they change their attitude when they buy it? The truth is that although nine out of ten…

Drivers licenses

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Drivers licenses consolidate the path of recovery with a growth of 7.8% in 2015   Madrid, January 20, 2016. PONS Seguridad Vial, a leading company in strategic public and private consulting in the field…

The bicycle as a means of transportation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The bicycle, the fastest and most efficient means of transportation for traveling up to 5 kilometres   Madrid, September 15, 2016. PONS Seguridad Vial, a leading company in strategic public and private…

Second study started

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Demoscopy Department formed by PONS Seguridad Vial, Autofácil and Autoscout24 has launched the survey phase that corresponds to the second study of "Spaniards facing the new mobility," which on this occasion…

Nine out of ten

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nine out of ten drivers request more technological training to drive their car   76% percent believe that a brand or dealer should be a "technology instructor" instead of a driving school or the DGT…

Society is predisposed to the self-driving car, but there is still much work to do

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Society is predisposed to the self-driving car, but there is still much work to do”     Gregorio Serrano participated in the ABC Forum on Technology and Road Safety, in his first public act…